%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import numpy as np

Parameter Definition

Parameters are fundamental parts of a likelihood function. Two types of parameters exist: fixed parameters and floating parameters.

SkyLLH provides the class Parameter for defining a parameter. The Parameter class can represent a fixed parameter or a floating parameter.

from skyllh.core.parameters import Parameter

Creating a fixed parameter

A fixed parameter has a name and an initial value. Its isfixed property is set to True.

param_a = Parameter(name='a', initial=2.1)
Parameter: a = 2.1 [fixed]

Changing the value of a fixed parameter

Sometimes it is neccessary to change the value of a fixed parameter. This can be done using the change_fixed_value() method:

Parameter: a = 3.3 [fixed]

Creating a floating parameter

A floating parameter has a name, an initial value, and a value range from valmin to valmax. Its isfixed property is set to False.

param_b = Parameter(name='b', initial=6.3, valmin=4.0, valmax=7.3)
Parameter: b = 6.3 [floating] {
    initial: 6.3
    range: (4, 7.3)

Converting fixed and floating parameters

Fixed parameters can be made floating parameters and vise-versa. For making a fixed parameter floating one can use the make_floating() method:

# Converting a fixed parameter into a floating parameter.
param_a.make_floating(initial=3.3, valmin=0, valmax=4)
Parameter: a = 3.3 [floating] {
    initial: 3.3
    range: (0, 4)

For converting a floating parameter into a fixed parameter one can use the make_fixed() method:

# Converting a floating parameter into a fixed parameter.
Parameter: b = 42.3 [fixed]

Comparing parameters

Two parameters can be compared to each other. They are equal if they represent the same parameter, i.e. the same name, initial value, and value range if they are floating parameters.

param_c = Parameter(name='b', initial=42.3)
print(param_c == param_b)
print(param_c is param_b)
print(param_c == param_a)

Creating a linear grid from a floating parameter

Sometimes it useful to create an equal-distanced grid of values from a floating parameter. The Parameter class has the method as_linear_grid() to create a ParameterGrid instance representing a grid of values with equal distances.

param_grid_a = param_a.as_linear_grid(delta=0.1)
a = [0.  0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.  1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
 1.8 1.9 2.  2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.  3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4. ], decimals = 1

Parameter Sets

For an analysis a set of parameters are usually required. The set of parameters for the likelihood function might depend on the particlar source in case of a multi-source analysis.

Each analysis needs to define a global set of parameters. SkyLLH provides the ParameterSet class to define a set of parameters. How these parameters are then mapped to the individual sources is defined via the source parameter mapper.

As example we are creating a set of two Parameters, \(n_{\mathrm{s}}\), and \(\gamma\).

param_ns = Parameter('ns', 100, valmin=0, valmax=1000)
param_gamma = Parameter('gamma', 2, valmin=1, valmax=4.)
Parameter: ns = 100 [floating] {
    initial: 100
    range: (0, 1000)
Parameter: gamma = 2 [floating] {
    initial: 2
    range: (1, 4)
from skyllh.core.parameters import ParameterSet
paramset = ParameterSet((param_ns, param_gamma))
ParameterSet: 2 parameters (2 floating, 0 fixed) {
    Parameter: ns = 100 [floating] {
        initial: 100
        range: (0, 1000)
    Parameter: gamma = 2 [floating] {
        initial: 2
        range: (1, 4)

Parameter to Model mapping

After a global set of parameters is defined, those parameters need to get mapped to individual models, e.g. sources, of the analysis. SkyLLH provides the ParameterModelMapper class to provide this functionality.

As example we consider the following mapping of parameters to models and sources:

Parameter >











SkyLLH provides two main base models: DetectorModel and SourceModel.

from skyllh.core.model import DetectorModel
from skyllh.core.source_model import SourceModel
from skyllh.core.parameters import ParameterModelMapper

We define the models and sources to which we want to map parameters:

detector = DetectorModel('IceCube')
source1 = SourceModel('source1')
source2 = SourceModel('source2')

Now we define the parameters, which we want to map to the models and sources:

param_ns = Parameter('ns', 10, valmin=0, valmax=1000)
param_gamma1 = Parameter('gamma1', 2.5, valmin=1, valmax=4)
param_gamma2 = Parameter('gamma2', 3.3, valmin=1, valmax=4)

After creating the models and parameters we can create the ParameterModelMapper for the set of models.

pmm = ParameterModelMapper(models=(detector,source1,source2))
ParameterModelMapper: 0 global parameters, 3 models (2 sources)

Finally we can define the parameter mapping of each parameter to the models:

(pmm.map_param(param_ns, models=(detector,), model_param_names='ns')
    .map_param(param_gamma1, models=(source1,), model_param_names='gamma')
    .map_param(param_gamma2, models=(source2,), model_param_names='gamma')
ParameterModelMapper: 3 global parameters, 3 models (2 sources)
        ns [floating (0 <= 10 <= 1000)]
            in models:
            - IceCube: ns

        gamma1 [floating (1 <= 2.5 <= 4)]
            in models:
            - source1: gamma

        gamma2 [floating (1 <= 3.3 <= 4)]
            in models:
            - source2: gamma

The create_src_params_recarray() method of the ParameterModelMapper class can create a numpy record array with the local source parameters of all or selected sources:

pmm.create_src_params_recarray(gflp_values=np.array([11, 1.1, 2.2]), sources=None)
array([(1, 1.1, 2), (2, 2.2, 3)],
      dtype=[(':model_idx', '<i4'), ('gamma', '<f8'), ('gamma:gpidx', '<i4')])

A dictionary with a model’s local parameters and values can be created via the create_model_params_dict() method. It takes a model argument, which can either be a str with the model’s name, the actual Model instance, or an int instance specifying the model index within the ParameterModelMapper:

pmm.create_model_params_dict(gflp_values=np.array([11, 1.1, 2.2]), model='IceCube')
{'ns': 11.0}
pmm.create_model_params_dict(gflp_values=np.array([11, 1.1, 2.2]), model=source1)
{'gamma': 1.1}
pmm.create_model_params_dict(gflp_values=np.array([11, 1.1, 2.2]), model=2)
{'gamma': 2.2}