Geant4 for IceCube optical module studies
PhotonInfo Struct Reference

Contains information about a detected photon which will be appended in HitManager.

Collaboration diagram for PhotonInfo:

Public Attributes

G4int eventID
 Event ID of the photon hit.
G4double globalTime
 Global time of the photon hit.
G4double localTime
 Local time of the photon hit.
G4double trackLength
 Length of the photon's track.
G4double kineticEnergy
 Kinetic energy of the photon.
G4double wavelength
 Wavelength of the photon.
G4ThreeVector globalPosition
 Global position of the photon hit.
G4ThreeVector localPosition
 Local position of the photon hit.
G4ThreeVector momentumDirection
 Direction of the photon's momentum.
G4ThreeVector deltaPosition
 Change in position of the photon hit.
G4int pmtNumber
 PMT number associated with the photon hit.
G4int detectorID
 ID of the detector registering the photon.
OMSimPMTResponse::PMTPulse PMTResponse
 PMT response to the photon hit.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: