Geant4 for IceCube optical module studies
OMSimDetectorComponent::Component Struct Reference

This struct represents a single detector component within an OMSimDetectorComponent instance. More...

Detailed Description

A Component is defined by several properties which specify its physical properties and location within the detector. All operations available in OMSimDetectorComponent utilize this struct to perform changes to handle all components.

Public Attributes

G4VSolid * VSolid
 A pointer to a Geant4 G4VSolid object that represents the physical volume of the component.
G4LogicalVolume * VLogical
 A pointer to a Geant4 G4LogicalVolume object that contains the material properties, sensitivity settings and visualization attributes of the component.
G4ThreeVector Position
 A G4ThreeVector object representing the position of the component with respect to the origin of its containing volume.
G4RotationMatrix Rotation
 A G4RotationMatrix object representing the rotation of the component with respect to its initial orientation.
G4String Name
 A G4String object representing the unique name of the component.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: