Geant4 for IceCube optical module studies
OMSimDetectorConstruction Class Referenceabstract

Class for detector construction in the effective area simulation.

Inheritance diagram for OMSimDetectorConstruction:
Collaboration diagram for OMSimDetectorConstruction:


struct  SDInfo

Public Member Functions

G4VPhysicalVolume * Construct ()
 Constructs the selected detector from the command line argument and returns the physical world volume. More...
void ConstructSDandField () override
void registerSensitiveDetector (G4LogicalVolume *logVol, G4VSensitiveDetector *aSD)

Public Attributes

G4VPhysicalVolume * m_worldPhysical

Protected Member Functions

virtual void constructWorld ()=0
virtual void constructDetector ()=0

Protected Attributes

G4VSolid * m_worldSolid
G4LogicalVolume * m_worldLogical
std::vector< SDInfom_sensitiveDetectors

Member Function Documentation

◆ Construct()

G4VPhysicalVolume * OMSimDetectorConstruction::Construct ( )
Pointer to the physical world volume

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