Geant4 for IceCube optical module studies
OMSimDecaysAnalysis Class Reference

Singleton class responsible for managing, analysing, and saving decay-related data.

Collaboration diagram for OMSimDecaysAnalysis:

Public Member Functions

void appendDecay (G4String pParticleName, G4double pDecayTime, G4ThreeVector pDecayPosition)
 Append decay information to internal data structures. More...
void mergeDecayData ()
void writeMultiplicity (G4double pTimeWindow)
 Calls calculateMultiplicity and writes the results to the output file.
void writeThreadDecayInformation ()
 Write isotoped related data to the output file.
void writeThreadHitInformation ()
 Write data of the hits to the output file.
void reset ()
 Resets (deletes) decay and hits data.

Static Public Member Functions

static OMSimDecaysAnalysisgetInstance ()
 Returns the instance of OMSimDecaysAnalysis (Singleton pattern).

Private Member Functions

 OMSimDecaysAnalysis (const OMSimDecaysAnalysis &)=delete
OMSimDecaysAnalysisoperator= (const OMSimDecaysAnalysis &)=delete

Static Private Attributes

static G4ThreadLocal DecayStatsm_threadDecayStats = nullptr
static G4Mutex m_mutex = G4Mutex()
static OMSimDecaysAnalysism_instance = nullptr

Member Function Documentation

◆ appendDecay()

void OMSimDecaysAnalysis::appendDecay ( G4String  p_particleName,
G4double  p_decayTime,
G4ThreeVector  p_decayPosition 
p_particleNameName of the particle.
p_decayTimeTime of the decay.
p_decayPositionGlobal position of the decay.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: