Module taurunner.track.track
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import numpy as np
import warnings
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splev, interp1d
from taurunner.utils import units
from taurunner.body import Body
from taurunner.track.utils import get_hash, set_spline
class Track(object):
def __init__(self, depth=0.0, theta=None):
self.depth = depth
self._column_depth_lookup = {}
def d_to_x(self, d: float) -> float:
Convert from distance traveled to track parameter
d : Distance traveled along the track in units of radius of the body.
x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track
def r_to_x(self, r: float) -> float:
Convert from radius to track parameter
r : Radius. Must be between 0 and 1.
x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track
def total_column_depth(self, body: Body, safe_mode=True) -> float:
body : TauRunner Body object for which you want the column depth
safe_mode : If True make sure the error on the integral is small
column_depth : total column depth for the entire track [natural units]
hash_s = get_hash(self, body)
if hash_s not in self._column_depth_lookup.keys():
set_spline(self, body)
return self._column_depth_lookup[hash_s][0]
def x_to_cartesian_direction(x):
Convert from track parameter to direction in cartesian space
x (float): Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track
cart_dir (tuple): x-, y-, and z-directions in a cartesian system whose origin coincides
with the center of the body
def x_to_d(self, x: float) -> float:
Convert from track parameter to distance traveled
x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track
d : Distance traveled along the track in units of radius of the body.
def x_to_d_prime(self, x: float) -> float:
Derivative of self.x_to_d with respect to the affine track parameter
x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track
dd/dx : Derivative of self.x_to_r with respect to the affine track parameter
def x_to_r(self, x:float) -> float:
Convert from radius to track parameter
x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track
r : Radius. Must be between 0 and 1.
def X_to_x(self, body : Body, X: float) -> float:
Returns the affine track parameter at which the track has traversed a given column depth
in a given body. If column depth is greater than the total column depth it raises an error
body : TauRunner body object
X : Column depth [natural units]
x : Affine track parameter
hash_s = get_hash(self, body)
if hash_s not in self._column_depth_lookup.keys():
set_spline(self, body)
max_X = self._column_depth_lookup[hash_s][0]
if X<=max_X:
return self._column_depth_lookup[hash_s][2](X)
raise ValueError('Column depth was greater than total')
def x_to_X(self, body: Body, x: float) -> float:
Returns the total column depth the particle has crossed after traversing up
to a given affine track parameter
body : TauRunner body object
x : Affine track parameter
X : Column depth [natural units]
hash_s = get_hash(self, body)
if hash_s not in self._column_depth_lookup.keys():
set_spline(self, body)
return self._column_depth_lookup[hash_s][1](x)
def x_to_pp_dir(self, x):
def x_to_pp_pos(self, x):
class Track (depth=0.0, theta=None)
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class Track(object): def __init__(self, depth=0.0, theta=None): self.depth = depth self._column_depth_lookup = {} def d_to_x(self, d: float) -> float: ''' Convert from distance traveled to track parameter params ______ d : Distance traveled along the track in units of radius of the body. returns _______ x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track ''' pass def r_to_x(self, r: float) -> float: ''' Convert from radius to track parameter params ______ r : Radius. Must be between 0 and 1. returns _______ x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track ''' pass def total_column_depth(self, body: Body, safe_mode=True) -> float: ''' params ______ body : TauRunner Body object for which you want the column depth safe_mode : If True make sure the error on the integral is small returns _______ column_depth : total column depth for the entire track [natural units] ''' hash_s = get_hash(self, body) if hash_s not in self._column_depth_lookup.keys(): set_spline(self, body) return self._column_depth_lookup[hash_s][0] def x_to_cartesian_direction(x): ''' Convert from track parameter to direction in cartesian space params ______ x (float): Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track returns _______ cart_dir (tuple): x-, y-, and z-directions in a cartesian system whose origin coincides with the center of the body ''' pass def x_to_d(self, x: float) -> float: ''' Convert from track parameter to distance traveled params ______ x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track returns _______ d : Distance traveled along the track in units of radius of the body. ''' pass def x_to_d_prime(self, x: float) -> float: ''' Derivative of self.x_to_d with respect to the affine track parameter params ______ x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track returns _______ dd/dx : Derivative of self.x_to_r with respect to the affine track parameter ''' pass def x_to_r(self, x:float) -> float: ''' Convert from radius to track parameter params ______ x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track returns _______ r : Radius. Must be between 0 and 1. ''' pass def X_to_x(self, body : Body, X: float) -> float: ''' Returns the affine track parameter at which the track has traversed a given column depth in a given body. If column depth is greater than the total column depth it raises an error params ______ body : TauRunner body object X : Column depth [natural units] returns _______ x : Affine track parameter ''' hash_s = get_hash(self, body) if hash_s not in self._column_depth_lookup.keys(): set_spline(self, body) max_X = self._column_depth_lookup[hash_s][0] if X<=max_X: return self._column_depth_lookup[hash_s][2](X) else: raise ValueError('Column depth was greater than total') def x_to_X(self, body: Body, x: float) -> float: r''' Returns the total column depth the particle has crossed after traversing up to a given affine track parameter Params ______ body : TauRunner body object x : Affine track parameter Returns _______ X : Column depth [natural units] ''' hash_s = get_hash(self, body) if hash_s not in self._column_depth_lookup.keys(): set_spline(self, body) return self._column_depth_lookup[hash_s][1](x) def x_to_pp_dir(self, x): pass def x_to_pp_pos(self, x): pass
def X_to_x(self, body: Body, X: float) ‑> float
Returns the affine track parameter at which the track has traversed a given column depth in a given body. If column depth is greater than the total column depth it raises an error
body : TauRunner body object X : Column depth [natural units]
x : Affine track parameter
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def X_to_x(self, body : Body, X: float) -> float: ''' Returns the affine track parameter at which the track has traversed a given column depth in a given body. If column depth is greater than the total column depth it raises an error params ______ body : TauRunner body object X : Column depth [natural units] returns _______ x : Affine track parameter ''' hash_s = get_hash(self, body) if hash_s not in self._column_depth_lookup.keys(): set_spline(self, body) max_X = self._column_depth_lookup[hash_s][0] if X<=max_X: return self._column_depth_lookup[hash_s][2](X) else: raise ValueError('Column depth was greater than total')
def d_to_x(self, d: float) ‑> float
Convert from distance traveled to track parameter
d : Distance traveled along the track in units of radius of the body.
x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track
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def d_to_x(self, d: float) -> float: ''' Convert from distance traveled to track parameter params ______ d : Distance traveled along the track in units of radius of the body. returns _______ x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track ''' pass
def r_to_x(self, r: float) ‑> float
Convert from radius to track parameter
r : Radius. Must be between 0 and 1.
x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track
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def r_to_x(self, r: float) -> float: ''' Convert from radius to track parameter params ______ r : Radius. Must be between 0 and 1. returns _______ x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track ''' pass
def total_column_depth(self, body: Body, safe_mode=True) ‑> float
body : TauRunner Body object for which you want the column depth safe_mode : If True make sure the error on the integral is small
column_depth : total column depth for the entire track [natural units]
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def total_column_depth(self, body: Body, safe_mode=True) -> float: ''' params ______ body : TauRunner Body object for which you want the column depth safe_mode : If True make sure the error on the integral is small returns _______ column_depth : total column depth for the entire track [natural units] ''' hash_s = get_hash(self, body) if hash_s not in self._column_depth_lookup.keys(): set_spline(self, body) return self._column_depth_lookup[hash_s][0]
def x_to_X(self, body: Body, x: float) ‑> float
Returns the total column depth the particle has crossed after traversing up to a given affine track parameter
body : TauRunner body object x : Affine track parameter
X : Column depth [natural units]
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def x_to_X(self, body: Body, x: float) -> float: r''' Returns the total column depth the particle has crossed after traversing up to a given affine track parameter Params ______ body : TauRunner body object x : Affine track parameter Returns _______ X : Column depth [natural units] ''' hash_s = get_hash(self, body) if hash_s not in self._column_depth_lookup.keys(): set_spline(self, body) return self._column_depth_lookup[hash_s][1](x)
def x_to_cartesian_direction(x)
Convert from track parameter to direction in cartesian space
x (float): Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track
cart_dir (tuple): x-, y-, and z-directions in a cartesian system whose origin coincides with the center of the body
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def x_to_cartesian_direction(x): ''' Convert from track parameter to direction in cartesian space params ______ x (float): Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track returns _______ cart_dir (tuple): x-, y-, and z-directions in a cartesian system whose origin coincides with the center of the body ''' pass
def x_to_d(self, x: float) ‑> float
Convert from track parameter to distance traveled
x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track
d : Distance traveled along the track in units of radius of the body.
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def x_to_d(self, x: float) -> float: ''' Convert from track parameter to distance traveled params ______ x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track returns _______ d : Distance traveled along the track in units of radius of the body. ''' pass
def x_to_d_prime(self, x: float) ‑> float
Derivative of self.x_to_d with respect to the affine track parameter
x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track
dd/dx : Derivative of self.x_to_r with respect to the affine track parameter
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def x_to_d_prime(self, x: float) -> float: ''' Derivative of self.x_to_d with respect to the affine track parameter params ______ x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track returns _______ dd/dx : Derivative of self.x_to_r with respect to the affine track parameter ''' pass
def x_to_pp_dir(self, x)
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def x_to_pp_dir(self, x): pass
def x_to_pp_pos(self, x)
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def x_to_pp_pos(self, x): pass
def x_to_r(self, x: float) ‑> float
Convert from radius to track parameter
x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track
r : Radius. Must be between 0 and 1.
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def x_to_r(self, x:float) -> float: ''' Convert from radius to track parameter params ______ x : Affine parameter between 0 and 1 which parametrizes the track returns _______ r : Radius. Must be between 0 and 1. ''' pass