Expand source code
import numpy as np
from taurunner.utils import units
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as iuvs
from importlib.resources import path
from taurunner.resources import secondaries_splines
############## Tau Decay Parameterization ################
RPion = 0.07856**2
RRho = 0.43335**2
RA1 = 0.70913**2
BrLepton = 0.18
BrPion = 0.12
BrRho = 0.26
BrA1 = 0.13
BrHad = 0.13
def TauDecayToLepton(Etau, Enu, P):
z = Enu/Etau
g0 = (5./3.) - 3.*z**2 + (4./3.)*z**3
g1 = (1./3.) - 3.*z**2 + (8./3.)*z**3
def TauDecayToPion(Etau, Enu, P):
z = Enu/Etau
g0 = 0.
g1 = 0.
if((1. - RPion - z) > 0.0):
g0 = 1./(1. - RPion)
g1 = -(2.*z - 1. + RPion)/(1. - RPion)**2
def TauDecayToRho(Etau, Enu, P):
z = Enu/Etau
g0 = 0.
g1 = 0.
if((1. - RRho - z) > 0.0):
g0 = 1./(1. - RRho)
g1 = -((2.*z-1.+RRho)/(1.-RRho))*((1.-2.*RRho)/(1.+2.*RRho))
def TauDecayToA1(Etau, Enu, P):
z = Enu/Etau
g0 = 0.
g1 = 0.
if((1. - RA1 - z) > 0.0):
g0 = (1./(1.-RA1))
g1 = -((2.*z-1.+RA1)/(1.-RA1))*((1.-2.*RA1)/(1.+2.*RA1))
return(g0 + P*g1)
def TauDecayToHadrons(Etau, Enu, P):
z = Enu/Etau
if((0.3 - z) > 0.):
g0 = 1./0.3
def TauDecayToAll(Etau, Enu, P):
decay_spectra = 0
decay_spectra+=2.0*BrLepton*TauDecayToLepton(Etau, Enu, P)
decay_spectra+=BrPion*TauDecayToPion(Etau, Enu, P)
decay_spectra+=BrRho*TauDecayToRho(Etau, Enu, P)
decay_spectra+=BrA1*TauDecayToA1(Etau, Enu, P)
decay_spectra+=BrHad*TauDecayToHadrons(Etau, Enu, P)
return decay_spectra
proton_mass = ((0.9382720813+0.9395654133)/2.)*units.GeV
NeutrinoDifferentialEnergyFractions = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,1000)[1:-1]
TauDecayFractions = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,1000)[1:-1]
Etau = 100.
dNTaudz = lambda z: TauDecayToAll(Etau, Etau*z, -1.)
TauDecayWeights = np.array(list(map(dNTaudz,TauDecayFractions)))
TauDecayWeights = np.divide(TauDecayWeights, np.sum(TauDecayWeights))
#### SECONDARIES ########################################
with path(secondaries_splines, 'antinue_cdf.npy') as p:
nue_path = str(p)
with path(secondaries_splines, 'antinumu_cdf.npy') as p:
numu_path = str(p)
antinue_cdf = np.load(nue_path)
antinumu_cdf = np.load(numu_path)
bins = list(np.logspace(-3,0,101))[:-1] # bins for the secondary splines
def SampleSecondariesEnergyFraction(u, cdf):
spl_cdf = iuvs(bins, cdf)
# check if random sample u is in the range where the spline is defined
return (iuvs(bins,cdf-u).roots())[0]
if u <= np.min(spl_cdf(bins)):
return 1e-3
elif u == np.max(spl_cdf(bins)):
return 1