Module taurunner.particle.particle
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import numpy as np
import proposal as pp
from importlib.resources import path
import taurunner
from taurunner.utils import units
from taurunner.cross_sections import CrossSections
from .utils import *
from proposal import Propagator
from numpy.random import RandomState
import warnings
proton_mass = ((0.9382720813+0.9395654133)/2.)*units.GeV
ID_2_name = {13:'MuMinusDef', -13:'MuPlusDef',
15:'TauMinusDef', -15:'TauPlusDef'}
EMIN = 1e9 # minimum energy allowed in the splines
#Particle object.
class Particle(object):
This is the class that contains all relevant
particle information stored in an object.
def __init__(self,
ID: int,
energy: float,
incoming_angle: float,
position: float,
rand: RandomState,
xs: CrossSections,
proposal_propagator: Propagator,
secondaries: bool,
no_losses: bool
Class initializer. This function sets all initial conditions based
on the particle's incoming angle, energy, ID, and position.
ID : PDG particle identifier
energy : Initial energy of the particle [eV]
incoming_angle : Incoming_angle [radians]
position : Affine paramter describing the distance along the track of the particle (0<x<1)
rand : numpy random number generator
xs : TauRunner CrossSections object
proposal_propagator : PROPOSAL propagator object for moving charged lepton
secondaries : Boolean telling whether to include secondary (mu and e) neutrinos from tau decay
no_losses : Boolean to turn off charged lepton losses
#Set Initial Values
self.ID = ID
self.initial_energy = energy = energy
self.position = position
self.chargedposition = 0.0
self.secondaries = secondaries
self.survived = True
self.basket = []
self.nCC = 0
self.nNC = 0
self.ntdecay = 0
self.rand = rand
self.xs = xs
self.xs_model = xs.model
self.propagator = proposal_propagator
self.losses = not no_losses
if ID > 0:
self.nutype = 'nu'
elif ID < 0:
self.nutype = 'nubar'
def SetParticleProperties(self):
Sets particle properties, either when initializing or after an interaction.
if np.abs(self.ID) in [12, 14, 16]:
self.mass = 0.0 #this is not true.. and it seems to have caused quite the stir.
self.lifetime = np.inf #this is unclear
if np.abs(self.ID) == 15:
self.mass = 1.776*units.GeV
self.lifetime = 2.9e-13*units.sec
if np.abs(self.ID) == 13:
self.mass = 0.105*units.GeV
self.livetime = 2.2e-6*units.sec
def GetParticleId(self):
Returns the current particle ID
return self.ID
def PrintParticleProperties(self): # pragma: no cover
print("id", self.ID, \
"energy ",, " GeV", \
"position ", self.position/, " km")
def GetLifetime(self):
Returns the current particle's lifetime
return self.lifetime
def GetMass(self):
Returns the current particle's mass
return self.mass
def GetProposedDepthStep(self, p):
Calculates the free-streaming column depth of your neutrino based
on the cross section, and then samples randomly from a log-uniform
p: float
random number. the free-streaming column depth is scaled by
the log of this number
DepthStep: float
Column depth to interaction in natural units
#Calculate the inverse of the interaction depths.
first_piece = (1./self.GetInteractionDepth(interaction='CC'))
second_piece = (1./self.GetInteractionDepth(interaction='NC'))
step = (first_piece + second_piece)
#return the column depth to interaction - weighted by a random number
return -np.log(p)/step
def GetTotalInteractionDepth(self):
+ 1./self.GetInteractionDepth(interaction='CC')))
def GetInteractionDepth(self, interaction, proton_fraction=0.5):
Calculates the mean column depth to interaction.
interaction: str
str defining the interaction type (CC or NC).
Interaction depth: float
mean column depth to interaction in natural units
if np.abs(self.ID) in [12, 14, 16]:
return proton_mass/(self.xs.total_cross_section(,
if np.abs(self.ID) == 15:
raise ValueError("Tau interaction length should never be sampled.")
def GetInteractionProbability(self,ddepth,interaction):
return 1.-np.exp(-ddepth/self.GetInteractionDepth(interaction))
def Decay(self):
if np.abs(self.ID) in [12, 14, 16]:
raise ValueError("no neutrino decays.. yet")
if np.abs(self.ID) == 15:
if self.secondaries:
# sample branching ratio of tau leptonic decay
p0 = self.rand.uniform(0,1)
if p0 < .18:
# sample energy of secondary antinumu
sample = SampleSecondariesEnergyFraction(self.rand.uniform(0,1), antinumu_cdf)
enu = sample*
# add secondary to basket, prepare propagation
self.basket.append({"ID" : -np.sign(self.ID)*14, "position" : self.position, "energy" : enu})
elif p0 > .18 and p0 < .36:
# sample energy of secondary antinue
sample = SampleSecondariesEnergyFraction(self.rand.uniform(0,1), antinue_cdf)
enu = sample*
# add secondary to basket, prepare propagation
self.basket.append({"ID" : -np.sign(self.ID)*12, "position" : self.position, "energy" : enu}) =*self.rand.choice(TauDecayFractions, p=TauDecayWeights)
self.ID = np.sign(self.ID)*16
if np.abs(self.ID) in [11, 13]:
def PropagateChargedLepton(self, body, track):
Propagate taus/mus with PROPOSAL along 'track' through 'body'
body: str
Cross section model to use for the photohadronic losses
track: bool
This can be set to False to turn off energy losses. In this case, the particle decays at rest.
if(np.logical_or(not self.losses, np.abs(self.ID) in [11, 12])):
lep = pp.particle.DynamicData(getattr(pp.particle, ID_2_name[self.ID])().particle_type)
current_km_dist = track.x_to_d(self.position)*body.radius/
total_dist = track.x_to_d(1.-self.position)*body.radius/
current_density = body.get_average_density(track.x_to_r(self.position))
km_dist_to_prop = total_dist - current_km_dist
if(np.logical_and(np.abs(self.ID) in [13, 14], km_dist_to_prop > 100.)):
lep_length = []
en_at_decay = [] =
pos_vec = track.x_to_pp_pos(self.position, body.radius/ # radius in cm
dir_vec = track.x_to_pp_dir(self.position)
lep.position = pos_vec
lep.direction = dir_vec
with warnings.catch_warnings():
sec = self.propagator.propagate(lep) #, dist_to_prop)
particles = sec.particles
#update particle info
final_vec = (sec.position[-1] - pos_vec)
lep_length = final_vec.magnitude() / 1e5
decay_products = [p for i,p in zip(range(max(len(particles)-3,0),len(particles)), particles[-3:]) if int(p.type) <= 1000000001]
en_at_decay = np.sum([ for p in decay_products])
if(en_at_decay==0): #particle reached the border before decaying = particles[-1].parent_particle_energy*units.MeV
self.chargedposition = float(np.ceil(lep_length))
else: #particle decayed before reaching the border = en_at_decay*units.MeV
self.chargedposition = lep_length
return sec
def Interact(self, interaction, body=None, track=None, proton_fraction=0.5): # dist_to_prop=None, current_density=None):
if np.abs(self.ID) in [12, 14, 16]:
#Sample energy lost from differential distributions
NeutrinoInteractionWeights = self.xs.differential_cross_section(,
NeutrinoInteractionWeights = np.divide(NeutrinoInteractionWeights,
z_choice = self.rand.choice(NeutrinoDifferentialEnergyFractions,
p=NeutrinoInteractionWeights) = z_choice*(
if interaction == 'CC':
#make a charged particle
self.nCC += 1
self.ID = np.sign(self.ID)*(np.abs(self.ID)-1)
if(np.abs(self.ID)==11): #electrons have no chance
elif interaction == 'NC':
#continue being a neutrino
self.ID = self.ID
self.nNC += 1
raise ValueError('Particle ID not supported by this function')
class Particle (ID: int, energy: float, incoming_angle: float, position: float, rand: mtrand.RandomState, xs: XSModel, proposal_propagator: proposal.Propagator, secondaries: bool, no_losses: bool)
This is the class that contains all relevant particle information stored in an object.
Class initializer. This function sets all initial conditions based on the particle's incoming angle, energy, ID, and position.
ID : PDG particle identifier energy : Initial energy of the particle [eV] incoming_angle : Incoming_angle [radians] position : Affine paramter describing the distance along the track of the particle (0<x<1) rand : numpy random number generator xs : TauRunner CrossSections object proposal_propagator : PROPOSAL propagator object for moving charged lepton secondaries : Boolean telling whether to include secondary (mu and e) neutrinos from tau decay no_losses : Boolean to turn off charged lepton losses
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class Particle(object): r''' This is the class that contains all relevant particle information stored in an object. ''' def __init__(self, ID: int, energy: float, incoming_angle: float, position: float, rand: RandomState, xs: CrossSections, proposal_propagator: Propagator, secondaries: bool, no_losses: bool ): r''' Class initializer. This function sets all initial conditions based on the particle's incoming angle, energy, ID, and position. Params ------ ID : PDG particle identifier energy : Initial energy of the particle [eV] incoming_angle : Incoming_angle [radians] position : Affine paramter describing the distance along the track of the particle (0<x<1) rand : numpy random number generator xs : TauRunner CrossSections object proposal_propagator : PROPOSAL propagator object for moving charged lepton secondaries : Boolean telling whether to include secondary (mu and e) neutrinos from tau decay no_losses : Boolean to turn off charged lepton losses ''' #Set Initial Values self.ID = ID self.initial_energy = energy = energy self.position = position self.chargedposition = 0.0 self.SetParticleProperties() self.secondaries = secondaries self.survived = True self.basket = [] self.nCC = 0 self.nNC = 0 self.ntdecay = 0 self.rand = rand self.xs = xs self.xs_model = xs.model self.propagator = proposal_propagator self.losses = not no_losses if ID > 0: self.nutype = 'nu' elif ID < 0: self.nutype = 'nubar' def SetParticleProperties(self): r''' Sets particle properties, either when initializing or after an interaction. ''' if np.abs(self.ID) in [12, 14, 16]: self.mass = 0.0 #this is not true.. and it seems to have caused quite the stir. self.lifetime = np.inf #this is unclear if np.abs(self.ID) == 15: self.mass = 1.776*units.GeV self.lifetime = 2.9e-13*units.sec if np.abs(self.ID) == 13: self.mass = 0.105*units.GeV self.livetime = 2.2e-6*units.sec def GetParticleId(self): r''' Returns the current particle ID ''' return self.ID def PrintParticleProperties(self): # pragma: no cover print("id", self.ID, \ "energy ",, " GeV", \ "position ", self.position/, " km") def GetLifetime(self): r''' Returns the current particle's lifetime ''' return self.lifetime def GetMass(self): r''' Returns the current particle's mass ''' return self.mass def GetProposedDepthStep(self, p): r''' Calculates the free-streaming column depth of your neutrino based on the cross section, and then samples randomly from a log-uniform distribution. Parameters ------------ p: float random number. the free-streaming column depth is scaled by the log of this number Returns ----------- DepthStep: float Column depth to interaction in natural units ''' #Calculate the inverse of the interaction depths. first_piece = (1./self.GetInteractionDepth(interaction='CC')) second_piece = (1./self.GetInteractionDepth(interaction='NC')) step = (first_piece + second_piece) #return the column depth to interaction - weighted by a random number return -np.log(p)/step def GetTotalInteractionDepth(self): return(1./(1./self.GetInteractionDepth(interaction='NC') + 1./self.GetInteractionDepth(interaction='CC'))) def GetInteractionDepth(self, interaction, proton_fraction=0.5): r''' Calculates the mean column depth to interaction. Parameters ----------- interaction: str str defining the interaction type (CC or NC). Returns ---------- Interaction depth: float mean column depth to interaction in natural units ''' if np.abs(self.ID) in [12, 14, 16]: return proton_mass/(self.xs.total_cross_section(, self.nutype, interaction, proton_fraction=proton_fraction ) ) if np.abs(self.ID) == 15: raise ValueError("Tau interaction length should never be sampled.") def GetInteractionProbability(self,ddepth,interaction): return 1.-np.exp(-ddepth/self.GetInteractionDepth(interaction)) def Decay(self): if np.abs(self.ID) in [12, 14, 16]: raise ValueError("no neutrino decays.. yet") if np.abs(self.ID) == 15: if self.secondaries: # sample branching ratio of tau leptonic decay p0 = self.rand.uniform(0,1) if p0 < .18: # sample energy of secondary antinumu sample = SampleSecondariesEnergyFraction(self.rand.uniform(0,1), antinumu_cdf) enu = sample* # add secondary to basket, prepare propagation self.basket.append({"ID" : -np.sign(self.ID)*14, "position" : self.position, "energy" : enu}) elif p0 > .18 and p0 < .36: # sample energy of secondary antinue sample = SampleSecondariesEnergyFraction(self.rand.uniform(0,1), antinue_cdf) enu = sample* # add secondary to basket, prepare propagation self.basket.append({"ID" : -np.sign(self.ID)*12, "position" : self.position, "energy" : enu}) =*self.rand.choice(TauDecayFractions, p=TauDecayWeights) self.ID = np.sign(self.ID)*16 self.SetParticleProperties() return if np.abs(self.ID) in [11, 13]: self.survived=False def PropagateChargedLepton(self, body, track): r''' Propagate taus/mus with PROPOSAL along 'track' through 'body' Parameters ---------- body: str Cross section model to use for the photohadronic losses track: bool This can be set to False to turn off energy losses. In this case, the particle decays at rest. ''' if(np.logical_or(not self.losses, np.abs(self.ID) in [11, 12])): return lep = pp.particle.DynamicData(getattr(pp.particle, ID_2_name[self.ID])().particle_type) current_km_dist = track.x_to_d(self.position)*body.radius/ total_dist = track.x_to_d(1.-self.position)*body.radius/ current_density = body.get_average_density(track.x_to_r(self.position)) km_dist_to_prop = total_dist - current_km_dist if(np.logical_and(np.abs(self.ID) in [13, 14], km_dist_to_prop > 100.)): return lep_length = [] en_at_decay = [] = pos_vec = track.x_to_pp_pos(self.position, body.radius/ # radius in cm dir_vec = track.x_to_pp_dir(self.position) lep.position = pos_vec lep.direction = dir_vec #propagate with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") sec = self.propagator.propagate(lep) #, dist_to_prop) particles = sec.particles #update particle info final_vec = (sec.position[-1] - pos_vec) lep_length = final_vec.magnitude() / 1e5 decay_products = [p for i,p in zip(range(max(len(particles)-3,0),len(particles)), particles[-3:]) if int(p.type) <= 1000000001] en_at_decay = np.sum([ for p in decay_products]) if(en_at_decay==0): #particle reached the border before decaying = particles[-1].parent_particle_energy*units.MeV self.chargedposition = float(np.ceil(lep_length)) else: #particle decayed before reaching the border = en_at_decay*units.MeV self.chargedposition = lep_length return sec def Interact(self, interaction, body=None, track=None, proton_fraction=0.5): # dist_to_prop=None, current_density=None): if np.abs(self.ID) in [12, 14, 16]: #Sample energy lost from differential distributions NeutrinoInteractionWeights = self.xs.differential_cross_section(, NeutrinoDifferentialEnergyFractions, self.nutype, interaction, proton_fraction=proton_fraction ) NeutrinoInteractionWeights = np.divide(NeutrinoInteractionWeights, np.sum(NeutrinoInteractionWeights)) z_choice = self.rand.choice(NeutrinoDifferentialEnergyFractions, p=NeutrinoInteractionWeights) = z_choice*( if interaction == 'CC': #make a charged particle self.nCC += 1 self.ID = np.sign(self.ID)*(np.abs(self.ID)-1) if(np.abs(self.ID)==11): #electrons have no chance self.survived=False return self.SetParticleProperties() elif interaction == 'NC': #continue being a neutrino self.ID = self.ID self.SetParticleProperties() self.nNC += 1 return else: raise ValueError('Particle ID not supported by this function')
def Decay(self)
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def Decay(self): if np.abs(self.ID) in [12, 14, 16]: raise ValueError("no neutrino decays.. yet") if np.abs(self.ID) == 15: if self.secondaries: # sample branching ratio of tau leptonic decay p0 = self.rand.uniform(0,1) if p0 < .18: # sample energy of secondary antinumu sample = SampleSecondariesEnergyFraction(self.rand.uniform(0,1), antinumu_cdf) enu = sample* # add secondary to basket, prepare propagation self.basket.append({"ID" : -np.sign(self.ID)*14, "position" : self.position, "energy" : enu}) elif p0 > .18 and p0 < .36: # sample energy of secondary antinue sample = SampleSecondariesEnergyFraction(self.rand.uniform(0,1), antinue_cdf) enu = sample* # add secondary to basket, prepare propagation self.basket.append({"ID" : -np.sign(self.ID)*12, "position" : self.position, "energy" : enu}) =*self.rand.choice(TauDecayFractions, p=TauDecayWeights) self.ID = np.sign(self.ID)*16 self.SetParticleProperties() return if np.abs(self.ID) in [11, 13]: self.survived=False
def GetInteractionDepth(self, interaction, proton_fraction=0.5)
Calculates the mean column depth to interaction.
- str defining the interaction type (CC or NC).
Interaction depth: float
- mean column depth to interaction in natural units
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def GetInteractionDepth(self, interaction, proton_fraction=0.5): r''' Calculates the mean column depth to interaction. Parameters ----------- interaction: str str defining the interaction type (CC or NC). Returns ---------- Interaction depth: float mean column depth to interaction in natural units ''' if np.abs(self.ID) in [12, 14, 16]: return proton_mass/(self.xs.total_cross_section(, self.nutype, interaction, proton_fraction=proton_fraction ) ) if np.abs(self.ID) == 15: raise ValueError("Tau interaction length should never be sampled.")
def GetInteractionProbability(self, ddepth, interaction)
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def GetInteractionProbability(self,ddepth,interaction): return 1.-np.exp(-ddepth/self.GetInteractionDepth(interaction))
def GetLifetime(self)
Returns the current particle's lifetime
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def GetLifetime(self): r''' Returns the current particle's lifetime ''' return self.lifetime
def GetMass(self)
Returns the current particle's mass
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def GetMass(self): r''' Returns the current particle's mass ''' return self.mass
def GetParticleId(self)
Returns the current particle ID
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def GetParticleId(self): r''' Returns the current particle ID ''' return self.ID
def GetProposedDepthStep(self, p)
Calculates the free-streaming column depth of your neutrino based on the cross section, and then samples randomly from a log-uniform distribution.
- random number. the free-streaming column depth is scaled by the log of this number
- Column depth to interaction in natural units
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def GetProposedDepthStep(self, p): r''' Calculates the free-streaming column depth of your neutrino based on the cross section, and then samples randomly from a log-uniform distribution. Parameters ------------ p: float random number. the free-streaming column depth is scaled by the log of this number Returns ----------- DepthStep: float Column depth to interaction in natural units ''' #Calculate the inverse of the interaction depths. first_piece = (1./self.GetInteractionDepth(interaction='CC')) second_piece = (1./self.GetInteractionDepth(interaction='NC')) step = (first_piece + second_piece) #return the column depth to interaction - weighted by a random number return -np.log(p)/step
def GetTotalInteractionDepth(self)
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def GetTotalInteractionDepth(self): return(1./(1./self.GetInteractionDepth(interaction='NC') + 1./self.GetInteractionDepth(interaction='CC')))
def Interact(self, interaction, body=None, track=None, proton_fraction=0.5)
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def Interact(self, interaction, body=None, track=None, proton_fraction=0.5): # dist_to_prop=None, current_density=None): if np.abs(self.ID) in [12, 14, 16]: #Sample energy lost from differential distributions NeutrinoInteractionWeights = self.xs.differential_cross_section(, NeutrinoDifferentialEnergyFractions, self.nutype, interaction, proton_fraction=proton_fraction ) NeutrinoInteractionWeights = np.divide(NeutrinoInteractionWeights, np.sum(NeutrinoInteractionWeights)) z_choice = self.rand.choice(NeutrinoDifferentialEnergyFractions, p=NeutrinoInteractionWeights) = z_choice*( if interaction == 'CC': #make a charged particle self.nCC += 1 self.ID = np.sign(self.ID)*(np.abs(self.ID)-1) if(np.abs(self.ID)==11): #electrons have no chance self.survived=False return self.SetParticleProperties() elif interaction == 'NC': #continue being a neutrino self.ID = self.ID self.SetParticleProperties() self.nNC += 1 return else: raise ValueError('Particle ID not supported by this function')
def PrintParticleProperties(self)
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def PrintParticleProperties(self): # pragma: no cover print("id", self.ID, \ "energy ",, " GeV", \ "position ", self.position/, " km")
def PropagateChargedLepton(self, body, track)
Propagate taus/mus with PROPOSAL along 'track' through 'body' Parameters
- Cross section model to use for the photohadronic losses
- This can be set to False to turn off energy losses. In this case, the particle decays at rest.
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def PropagateChargedLepton(self, body, track): r''' Propagate taus/mus with PROPOSAL along 'track' through 'body' Parameters ---------- body: str Cross section model to use for the photohadronic losses track: bool This can be set to False to turn off energy losses. In this case, the particle decays at rest. ''' if(np.logical_or(not self.losses, np.abs(self.ID) in [11, 12])): return lep = pp.particle.DynamicData(getattr(pp.particle, ID_2_name[self.ID])().particle_type) current_km_dist = track.x_to_d(self.position)*body.radius/ total_dist = track.x_to_d(1.-self.position)*body.radius/ current_density = body.get_average_density(track.x_to_r(self.position)) km_dist_to_prop = total_dist - current_km_dist if(np.logical_and(np.abs(self.ID) in [13, 14], km_dist_to_prop > 100.)): return lep_length = [] en_at_decay = [] = pos_vec = track.x_to_pp_pos(self.position, body.radius/ # radius in cm dir_vec = track.x_to_pp_dir(self.position) lep.position = pos_vec lep.direction = dir_vec #propagate with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") sec = self.propagator.propagate(lep) #, dist_to_prop) particles = sec.particles #update particle info final_vec = (sec.position[-1] - pos_vec) lep_length = final_vec.magnitude() / 1e5 decay_products = [p for i,p in zip(range(max(len(particles)-3,0),len(particles)), particles[-3:]) if int(p.type) <= 1000000001] en_at_decay = np.sum([ for p in decay_products]) if(en_at_decay==0): #particle reached the border before decaying = particles[-1].parent_particle_energy*units.MeV self.chargedposition = float(np.ceil(lep_length)) else: #particle decayed before reaching the border = en_at_decay*units.MeV self.chargedposition = lep_length return sec
def SetParticleProperties(self)
Sets particle properties, either when initializing or after an interaction.
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def SetParticleProperties(self): r''' Sets particle properties, either when initializing or after an interaction. ''' if np.abs(self.ID) in [12, 14, 16]: self.mass = 0.0 #this is not true.. and it seems to have caused quite the stir. self.lifetime = np.inf #this is unclear if np.abs(self.ID) == 15: self.mass = 1.776*units.GeV self.lifetime = 2.9e-13*units.sec if np.abs(self.ID) == 13: self.mass = 0.105*units.GeV self.livetime = 2.2e-6*units.sec