Geant4 for IceCube optical module studies
Todo List
Member DEGG::DEGG (G4bool p_placeHarness=true)
  • I am not sure if the harness is correctly implemented!
  • Clean up the code.
  • Subtract CAD penetrator from the vessel.
  • Investigate why the gel does not reach the photocathode edge. (Should the photocathode edge end earlier? Gel, Vessel, and PMT shape are correct.)
Member LOM16::~LOM16 ()
- 18/07/22 Solve collisions of CAD with PMTs
  • Clean up magic number variables and comment their meaning
  • Write documentation and parse current comments into Doxygen style
Member mDOM::~mDOM ()
- Write documentation and parse current comments into Doxygen style
Member mDOMHarness::mDOMHarness (mDOM *pMDOM)
- Write documentation and parse current comments into Doxygen style
File OMSimDEGGHarness.hh

Write documentation

- 18/07/22 Solve collisions of CAD with PMTs
  • Clean up needed variables
  • Move "magic numbers" to header, add comment with their meaning
  • Gel pads have to be tilted
  • Add Harness
  • Add realistic materials for internal components (100% absorber as of yet)
  • Write documentation and parse current comments into Doxygen style
Member OMSimPMTResponse::OMSimPMTResponse ()
Add PMT data of all PMT types
Member OMSimSensitiveDetector::m_boundaryProcess
Test several optical modules of same type with new type