Geant4 for IceCube optical module studies
Common framework

These files define the geometry and materials common to all studies. More...

Detailed Description


file  OMSim.hh
 Main simulation class for the Optical Module (OM) simulation. This file defines the OMSim class, which controls the entire simulation process in all studies and includes the general program options.
file  OMSimCommandArgsTable.hh
 Definition of the OMSimCommandArgsTable singleton class, which controls user args.
file  OMSimHitManager.hh
 Defines structures and classes related to optical module photon hit management.
file  OMSimInputData.hh
 Definition of ParameterTable and OMSimInputData.
file  OMSimMaterialHandler.hh
 Definition of OMSimMaterialHandler and the namespaces IceProcessor and ScintillationProcessor.
file  OMSimPMTResponse.hh
 Simulation of PMT response.
file  OMSimSteppingAction.hh
 Defines OMSimSteppingAction.Currently it only checks for trapped photons.
file  OMSimTools.hh
 Definition of Tools namespace, a collection of helper methods.
file  OMSimUIinterface.hh
 Implementation of the OMSim class.
file  OMSimDEGG.hh
 Construction of the DEGG class. From DOUMEKI.
file  OMSimDEGGHarness.hh
 Construction of the DEGG harness.
file  OMSimDetectorComponent.hh
 Provides helper base class OMSimDetectorComponent for constructing and managing detector components in OMSim.
file  OMSimLOM16.hh
 Construction of LOM16.
file  OMSimLOM18.hh
 Construction of LOM18.
file  OMSimMDOM.hh
 Construction of mDOM.
file  OMSimMDOMFlasher.hh
 Defines the mDOMFlasher class for simulating the 10 flashers in an mDOM optical module.
file  OMSimMDOMHarness.hh
 Construction of mDOM harness.
file  OMSimPDOM.hh
 Implementation of the pDOM/Gen1 DOM class.


class  OMSim
 Controls the main simulation process. More...
class  OMSimCommandArgsTable
 A class used to hold OMSim command arguments with global instance access. More...
struct  HitStats
 A structure of vectors to store information about detected photons. More...
class  OMSimHitManager
 Manages detected photon information. More...
class  ParameterTable
 A utility class for managing JSON-based data tables. More...
class  OMSimInputData
 Manages the input data, including parsing and storing material properties. More...
class  OMSimMaterialHandler
 Handles the creation and processing of materials from json files. More...
class  OMSimUIinterface
 Singleton interface to Geant4's UI manager. More...
class  DEGG
 Construction of the DEGG detector geometry. More...
class  OMSimDetectorComponent
 Abstract base class used for constructing detector components. More...
class  mDOMFlasher
 The mDOMFlasher class represents the 10 flashers in an mDOM optical module. More...
class  OMSimOpticalModule
 Base class for OMs works as interface. More...
class  pDOM
 pDOM class represents the construction of pDOM/Gen1 DOM. More...