Source code for pisa.utils.plotter

# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position, redefined-builtin
Plotter class for doing plots easily

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import itertools
import os

import numpy as np
from uncertainties import unumpy as unp

import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText

from pisa import FTYPE
from import Map, MapSet
from pisa.utils.format import tex_dollars, text2tex, tex_join
from pisa.utils.log import logging

__all__ = ['CMAP_SEQ', 'CMAP_DIV', 'Plotter']

__author__ = 'P. Eller'

__license__ = '''Copyright (c) 2014-2017, The IceCube Collaboration

 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at

 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.'''

CMAP_SEQ.set_bad(color=(0.0, 0.2, 0.0), alpha=1)

CMAP_DIV.set_bad(color=(0.5, 0.9, 0.5), alpha=1)

# set fonts
mpl.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'custom'
mpl.rcParams['mathtext.rm'] = 'Bitstream Vera Sans'
mpl.rcParams[''] = 'Bitstream Vera Sans:italic'
mpl.rcParams[''] = 'Bitstream Vera Sans:bold'
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 14

def inf2finite(x):
    return np.clip(x, a_min=np.finfo(FTYPE).min, a_max=np.finfo(FTYPE).max)

[docs] class Plotter(object): """ Plotting library for PISA `Map`s and `MapSet`s Parameters ---------- outdir : str output directory path stamp : str stamp to be put on every subplot, e.g. 'Preliminary', 'DeepCore nutau', etc. fmt : str or iterable of str formats to be plotted, e.g. ['pdf', 'png'] size : (int, int) canvas size (inches) log : bool logarithmic z-axis label : str z-axis label grid : bool plot grid ratio : bool add ratio plots in 1-d histos annotate : bool annotate counts per bin in 2-d histos symmetric : bool force symmetric extent of z-axis loc : str either 'inside' or 'outside', defining where to put axis titles """ def __init__(self, outdir='.', stamp=None, size=(8, 8), fmt='pdf', log=True, label='# events', grid=True, ratio=False, annotate=False, symmetric=False, loc='outside'): self.fig = None self.axes = None self.outdir = outdir self.stamp = stamp if isinstance(fmt, str): fmt = [fmt] self.fmt = fmt self.size = size self.fig = None self.log = log self.label = label self.grid = grid self.ratio = ratio self.annotate = annotate if symmetric: assert(not self.log), 'cannot do log and symmetric at the same time' self.symmetric = symmetric self.reset_colors() self.color = 'b' self.loc = loc
[docs] def reset_colors(self): self.colors = itertools.cycle('C%d' % n for n in range(10))
[docs] def next_color(self): self.color = next(self.colors)
# --- helper functions ---
[docs] def init_fig(self, figsize=None): """clear/initialize figure""" if figsize is not None: size = figsize else: size = self.size if self.fig is not None: plt.clf() plt.close(self.fig) self.fig, self.axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=size) self.fig.patch.set_facecolor('none')
[docs] def add_stamp(self, text=None, **kwargs): """Add common stamp with text. NOTE add_stamp cannot be used on a subplot that has been de-selected and then re-selected. It will write over existing text. """ if self.stamp != '': stamp = tex_join('\n', self.stamp, text) else: stamp = text if self.loc == 'inside': a_text = AnchoredText(tex_dollars(stamp), loc=2, frameon=False, **kwargs) plt.gca().add_artist(a_text) elif self.loc == 'outside': plt.gca().set_title(tex_dollars(stamp))
[docs] def add_leg(self): """initialize legend """ plt.gca().legend(loc='upper right', ncol=2, frameon=False, numpoints=1)
[docs] def dump(self, fname): """dump figure to file""" basepath = os.path.join(self.outdir, fname) for fmt in self.fmt: filepath = basepath + '.' + fmt'Writing plot %s to file %s', fname, os.path.abspath(filepath)) plt.savefig(filepath, dpi=150, edgecolor='none', facecolor=self.fig.get_facecolor())
# --- 2d plots ---
[docs] def plot_2d_single(self, map_set, **kwargs): """plot all maps in individual plots""" if isinstance(map_set, Map): map_set = [map_set] for map in map_set: self.init_fig() self.plot_2d_map(map, **kwargs) self.add_stamp(map.tex) self.dump(
[docs] def plot_2d_array(self, map_set, n_rows=None, n_cols=None, fname=None, **kwargs): """plot all maps in a single plot""" if fname is None: fname = # if dimensionality is 3, then still define a spli_axis automatically new_maps = [] split_axis = kwargs.pop('split_axis', None) for map in map_set: if len(map.binning) == 3: if split_axis is None: # Find shortest dimension l = map.binning.num_bins idx = l.index(min(l)) split_axis_ = map.binning.names[idx] logging.warning( 'Plotter automatically splitting map %s along %s axis',, split_axis_ ) new_maps.extend(map.split(split_axis_)) elif len(map.binning) == 2: new_maps.append(map) else: raise Exception('Cannot plot %i dimensional map in 2d' %len(map)) map_set = MapSet(new_maps) self.plot_array(map_set, 'plot_2d_map', n_rows=n_rows, n_cols=n_cols, **kwargs) self.dump(fname)
# --- 1d plots ---
[docs] def plot_1d_single(self, map_set, plot_axis, **kwargs): """plot all maps in individual plots""" for map in map_set: self.init_fig() self.plot_1d_projection(map, plot_axis, **kwargs) self.add_stamp(map.tex) self.dump(
[docs] def plot_1d_array(self, map_set, plot_axis, n_rows=None, n_cols=None, fname=None, **kwargs): """plot 1d projections as an array""" self.plot_array(map_set, 'plot_1d_projection', plot_axis, n_rows=n_rows, n_cols=n_cols, **kwargs) self.dump(fname)
[docs] def plot_1d_slices_array(self, map_sets, plot_axis, fname=None, **kwargs): """plot 1d projections as an array""" self.slices_array(map_sets, plot_axis, **kwargs) self.dump(fname)
[docs] def plot_1d_all(self, map_set, plot_axis, **kwargs): """all one one canvas""" self.init_fig() for map in map_set: self.plot_1d_projection(map, plot_axis, **kwargs) self.add_stamp() self.add_leg() self.dump('all')
[docs] def plot_1d_stack(self, map_set, plot_axis, **kwargs): """all maps stacked on top of each other""" self.init_fig() for i, map in enumerate(map_set): for j in range(i): map += map_set[j] self.plot_1d_projection(map, plot_axis, **kwargs) self.add_stamp() self.add_leg() self.dump('stack')
[docs] def plot_1d_cmp(self, map_sets, plot_axis, fname=None, **kwargs): """1d comparisons for two map_sets as projections""" for i in range(len(map_sets[0])): maps = [map_set[i] for map_set in map_sets] self.stamp = maps[0].tex for k, map_set in enumerate(map_sets): maps[k].tex = map_set.tex self.init_fig() if self.ratio: ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 1), (0, 0), rowspan=3) plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) self.reset_colors() for map in maps: self.next_color() self.plot_1d_projection(map, plot_axis, **kwargs) self.add_stamp() self.add_leg() if self.ratio: plt.subplot2grid((4, 1), (3, 0), sharex=ax1) #self.plot_1d_ratio(maps, plot_axis, r_vmin=0.1, r_vmax=0.1, **kwargs) self.plot_1d_ratio(maps, plot_axis, **kwargs) self.dump('%s_%s'%(fname, maps[0].name))
# --- plotting core functions ---
[docs] def plot_array(self, map_set, fun, *args, **kwargs): """wrapper funtion to exccute plotting function fun for every map in a set distributed over a grid""" n_rows = kwargs.pop('n_rows', None) n_cols = kwargs.pop('n_cols', None) if isinstance(map_set, Map): map_set = MapSet([map_set]) if isinstance(map_set, MapSet): n = len(map_set) else: raise TypeError('Expecting to plot a MapSet but ' 'got %s'%type(map_set)) if n_rows is None and n_cols is None: n_rows = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(n))) while n % n_rows != 0: n_rows -= 1 n_cols = n // n_rows if n > n_cols * n_rows: raise ValueError( 'trying to plot %s subplots on a grid with %s x %s cells' % (n, n_cols, n_rows) ) size = (n_cols*self.size[0], n_rows*self.size[1]) self.init_fig(size) plt.tight_layout() h_margin = 1. / size[0] v_margin = 1. / size[1] self.fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.2, wspace=0.2, top=1-v_margin, bottom=v_margin, left=h_margin, right=1-h_margin) for i, map in enumerate(map_set): plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, i+1) getattr(self, fun)(map, *args, **kwargs) self.add_stamp(map.tex)
[docs] def slices_array(self, map_sets, plot_axis, *args, **kwargs): """plot map_set in array using a function fun""" n_cols = len(map_sets[0]) plt_axis_n = map_sets[0][0].binning.names.index(plot_axis) # determine how many slices we need accoring to map_set[0] n_rows = 0 if len(map_sets[0][0].binning) != 2: raise NotImplementedError('only supported for 2d maps right now') slice_axis_n = int(not plt_axis_n) slice_axis = map_sets[0][0].binning.names[slice_axis_n] n_rows = map_sets[0][0].binning[slice_axis].num_bins size = (n_cols*self.size[0], self.size[1]) self.init_fig(size) plt.tight_layout() h_margin = 1. / size[0] v_margin = 1. / size[1] # big one self.fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0., wspace=0.2, top=1-v_margin, bottom=v_margin, left=h_margin, right=1-h_margin) stamp = self.stamp for i in range(len(map_sets[0])): for j in range(n_rows): plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, i + (n_rows - j -1)*n_cols + 1) self.reset_colors() for map_set in map_sets: self.next_color() map = map_set[i] if slice_axis_n == 0: map_slice = map[j, :] else: map_slice = map[:, j] a_text = ( map_slice.binning[slice_axis].label + ' [%.2f, %.2f]' %(map_slice.binning[slice_axis].bin_edges[0].m, map_slice.binning[slice_axis].bin_edges[-1].m) ) self.plot_1d_projection(map_slice, plot_axis, *args, **kwargs) if j != 0: plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) if j == n_rows - 1: if == 'cscd': title = 'cascades channel' if == 'trck': title = 'tracks channel' plt.gca().set_title(title) plt.gca().set_ylabel('') plt.gca().yaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=8) self.stamp = a_text self.add_stamp(prop=dict(size=8)) self.stamp = stamp
[docs] def plot_2d_map(self, map, cmap=None, **kwargs): """plot map on current axis in 2d""" vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin', None) vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax', None) axis = plt.gca() if isinstance(map, Map): binning = map.binning else: raise TypeError('Unhandled `map` type %s' % map.__class__.__name__) dims = binning.dims bin_centers = binning.weighted_centers bin_edges = binning.bin_edges linlog = all([(d.is_log or d.is_lin) for d in binning]) zmap = map.nominal_values if self.log: zmap = np.log10(zmap) if self.symmetric: vmax = np.max(np.abs( vmin = -vmax if cmap is None: cmap = CMAP_DIV else: if vmax is None: vmax = np.max(zmap[np.isfinite(zmap)]) if vmin is None: vmin = np.min(zmap[np.isfinite(zmap)]) if cmap is None: cmap = CMAP_SEQ extent = [np.min(bin_edges[0].m), np.max(bin_edges[0].m), np.min(bin_edges[1].m), np.max(bin_edges[1].m)] # Only lin or log can be handled by imshow...otherise use colormesh # TODO: fix imshow for log-scaled energy vs. lin-scaled coszen, or # remove this code altogether if False: #linlog: # Needs to be transposed for imshow _ = plt.imshow( zmap.T, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', extent=extent, aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs ) else: x, y = np.meshgrid(bin_edges[0], bin_edges[1]) pcol = plt.pcolormesh( x, y,, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, linewidth=0, rasterized=True, **kwargs ) pcol.set_edgecolor('face') if self.annotate: for i in range(len(bin_centers[0])): for j in range(len(bin_centers[1])): bin_x = bin_centers[0][i].m bin_y = bin_centers[1][j].m plt.annotate( '%.1f'%(zmap[i, j]), xy=(bin_x, bin_y), xycoords=('data', 'data'), xytext=(bin_x, bin_y), textcoords='data', va='top', ha='center', size=7 ) axis.set_xlabel(tex_dollars(dims[0].label)) axis.set_ylabel(tex_dollars(dims[1].label)) axis.set_xlim(extent[0:2]) axis.set_ylim(extent[2:4]) # TODO: use log2 scale & integer tick labels if too few major gridlines # result from default log10 scale if dims[0].is_log: axis.set_xscale('log') if dims[1].is_log: axis.set_yscale('log') if self.log: col_bar = plt.colorbar(format=r'$10^{%.1f}$') else: col_bar = plt.colorbar() if self.label: col_bar.set_label(tex_dollars(text2tex(self.label)))
[docs] def plot_1d_projection(self, map, plot_axis, **kwargs): """plot map projected on plot_axis""" r_vmin = kwargs.pop('r_vmin', None) r_vmax = kwargs.pop('r_vmax', None) axis = plt.gca() plt_binning = map.binning[plot_axis] hist = self.project_1d(map, plot_axis) if map.tex == 'data': axis.errorbar( plt_binning.weighted_centers.m, unp.nominal_values(hist), yerr=unp.std_devs(hist), fmt='o', markersize='4', label=tex_dollars(text2tex('data')), color='k', ecolor='k', mec='k', **kwargs ) else: axis.hist( inf2finite(plt_binning.weighted_centers.m), weights=unp.nominal_values(hist), bins=inf2finite(plt_binning.bin_edges.m), histtype='step', lw=1.5, label=tex_dollars(text2tex(map.tex)), color=self.color, **kwargs ) plt_binning.bin_edges.m[:-1], 2*unp.std_devs(hist), bottom=unp.nominal_values(hist)-unp.std_devs(hist), width=plt_binning.bin_widths.m, alpha=0.25, linewidth=0, color=self.color, **kwargs ) axis.set_xlabel(tex_dollars(plt_binning.label)) if self.label: axis.set_ylabel(tex_dollars(text2tex(self.label))) if plt_binning.is_log: axis.set_xscale('log') if self.log: axis.set_yscale('log') else: axis.set_ylim(0, np.nanmax(unp.nominal_values(hist))*1.4) axis.set_xlim(inf2finite(plt_binning.bin_edges.m)[0], inf2finite(plt_binning.bin_edges.m)[-1]) if self.grid: plt.grid(True, which="both", ls='-', alpha=0.2)
[docs] def project_1d(self, map, plot_axis): """sum up a map along all axes except plot_axis""" hist = map.hist plt_axis_n = map.binning.names.index(plot_axis) hist = np.swapaxes(hist, plt_axis_n, 0) for _ in range(1, len(map.binning)): hist = np.sum(hist, 1) return hist
[docs] def plot_1d_ratio(self, maps, plot_axis, **kwargs): """make a ratio plot for a 1d projection""" r_vmin = kwargs.pop('r_vmin', None) r_vmax = kwargs.pop('r_vmax', None) axis = plt.gca() map0 = maps[0] plt_binning = map0.binning[plot_axis] hist = self.project_1d(map0, plot_axis) hist0 = unp.nominal_values(hist) # TODO: should this be used somewhere? err0 = unp.std_devs(hist) axis.set_xlim(inf2finite(plt_binning.bin_edges.m)[0], inf2finite(plt_binning.bin_edges.m)[-1]) maximum = 1.0 minimum = 1.0 self.reset_colors() for map in maps: self.next_color() hist = self.project_1d(map, plot_axis) hist1 = unp.nominal_values(hist) err1 = unp.std_devs(hist) ratio = np.zeros_like(hist0) ratio_error = np.zeros_like(hist0) for i, hist0i in enumerate(hist0): if hist1[i] == 0 and hist0i == 0: ratio[i] = 1. ratio_error[i] = 1. elif hist1[i] != 0 and hist0i == 0: logging.warning('deviding non 0 by 0 for ratio') ratio[i] = 0. ratio_error[i] = 1. else: ratio[i] = hist1[i] / hist0i ratio_error[i] = err1[i] / hist0i minimum = min(minimum, ratio[i]) maximum = max(maximum, ratio[i]) if map.tex == 'data': axis.errorbar( plt_binning.weighted_centers.m, ratio, yerr=ratio_error, fmt='o', markersize='4', label=tex_dollars(text2tex('data')), color='k', ecolor='k', mec='k' ) else: _ = axis.hist( inf2finite(plt_binning.weighted_centers.m), weights=ratio, bins=inf2finite(plt_binning.bin_edges.m), histtype='step', lw=1.5, label=tex_dollars(text2tex(map.tex)), color=self.color ) plt_binning.bin_edges.m[:-1], 2*ratio_error, bottom=ratio-ratio_error, width=plt_binning.bin_widths.m, alpha=0.25, linewidth=0, color=self.color ) if self.grid: plt.grid(True, which="both", ls='-', alpha=0.2) self.fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) axis.set_ylabel(tex_dollars(text2tex('ratio'))) axis.set_xlabel(tex_dollars(plt_binning.label)) # Calculate nice scale: if r_vmin is not None and r_vmax is not None: axis.set_ylim(1 - r_vmin, 1 + r_vmax) else: off = max(maximum-1, 1-minimum) axis.set_ylim(1 - 1.2 * off, 1 + 1.2 * off)
[docs] def plot_xsec(self, map_set, ylim=None, logx=True): from pisa.utils import fileio zero_np_element = np.array([0]) for map in map_set: binning = map.binning if 'true_energy' in binning.names: energy_binning = binning.true_energy elif 'reco_energy' in binning.names: energy_binning = binning.reco_energy else: dim_idx = binning.index('energy', use_basenames=True) energy_binning = binning.dims[dim_idx] fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.size) fig.suptitle(, y=0.95) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.grid(b=True, which='major') ax.grid(b=True, which='minor', linestyle=':') plt.xlabel(tex_dollars(energy_binning.label), size=18) plt.ylabel(tex_dollars(text2tex(self.label)), size=18) if self.log: ax.set_yscale('log') if logx: ax.set_xscale('log') if ylim: ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_xlim(np.min(energy_binning.bin_edges.m), np.max(energy_binning.bin_edges.m)) hist = map.hist array_element = np.hstack((hist, zero_np_element)) ax.step(energy_binning.bin_edges.m, array_element, where='post') fileio.mkdir(self.outdir) fig.savefig(self.outdir+'/''.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150)