This script contains functions to compute Barlow-Beeston Likelihood, as well as
an implementation of the Poisson-Gamma mixture.
These likelihood implementations (except for poissonLLH) take into account uncertainties due to
finite Monte Carlo statistics.
The functions are called in stats.py to apply them to histograms.
Note that these likelihoods are NOT centered around 0 (i.e. if data == expectation, LLH != 0)
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from scipy import special
from scipy import optimize
__author__ = "Ahnaf Tahmid"
__email__ = "tahmid@ualberta.ca"
__date__ = "2019-08-15"
def poisson_gamma(data, sum_w, sum_w2, a=1, b=0):
Log-likelihood based on the poisson-gamma mixture. This is a Poisson likelihood using a Gamma prior.
This implementation is based on the implementation of Austin Schneider (aschneider@icecube.wisc.edu)
-- Input variables --
data = data histogram
sum_w = MC histogram
sum_w2 = Uncertainty map (sum of weights squared in each bin)
a, b = hyperparameters of gamma prior for MC counts; default values of a = 1 and b = 0 corresponds to LEff (eq 3.16) https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP06(2019)030
a = 0 and b = 0 corresponds to LMean (Table 2) https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP06(2019)030
-- Output --
llh = LLH values in each bin
-- Notes --
Shape of data, sum_w, sum_w2 and llh are identical
llh = np.ones(data.shape) * -np.inf # Binwise LLH values
bad_bins = np.logical_or(sum_w <= 0, sum_w2 < 0) # Bins where the MC is 0 or less than 0
# LLH would be 0 for the bad bins if the data is 0
zero_llh = np.logical_and(data == 0, bad_bins)
llh[zero_llh] = 0 # Zero LLH for these bins if data is also 0
good_bins = ~bad_bins
poisson_bins = np.logical_and(sum_w2 == 0, good_bins) # In the limit that sum_w2 == 0, the llh converges to poisson
llh[poisson_bins] = poissonLLH(data[poisson_bins], sum_w[poisson_bins]) # Poisson LLH since limiting case
# Calculate hyperparameters for the gamma posterior for MC counts
regular_bins = np.logical_and(good_bins, ~poisson_bins) # Bins on which the poisson_gamma LLH would be evaluated
alpha = sum_w[regular_bins]**2./sum_w2[regular_bins] + a
beta = sum_w[regular_bins]/sum_w2[regular_bins] + b
k = data[regular_bins]
# Poisson-gamma LLH
L = alpha*np.log(beta) + special.loggamma(k+alpha).real - special.loggamma(k+1.0).real - (k+alpha)*np.log1p(beta) - special.loggamma(alpha).real
llh[regular_bins] = L
return llh
def poissonLLH(data, mc):
Standard poisson likelihood
-- Input variables --
data = data histogram
mc = MC histogram
-- Output --
LLH values in each bin
-- Notes --
Shape of data, mc are identical
return data*np.log(mc) - mc - special.loggamma(data + 1)
def barlowLLH(data, unweighted_mc, weights):
Barlow-Beeston log-likelihood (constant terms not omitted)
Link to paper: https://doi.org/10.1016/0010-4655(93)90005-W
-- Input variables --
data = data histogram
mc = weighted MC histogram
unweighted_mc = unweighted MC histogream
weights = weight of each bin
-- Output --
llh = LLH values in each bin
-- Notes --
Shape of data, mc, unweighted_mc, weights and llh must be identical
# The actual barlow LLH
def llh(A_, k, w, a):
SMALL_VAL = 1.e-10
f = w*A_
# Takes care of log(0) problems
if not len(A_) > 1:
f = max((f, SMALL_VAL))
A_ = max((A_, SMALL_VAL))
# The loggamma() terms takes care of the log(value!) for non-integer values
return -1.*(k*np.log(f) - f + a*np.log(A_) - A_ - special.loggamma(k+1) - special.loggamma(a+1))
A = np.array(unweighted_mc) # Expected unweighted counts in a bin
# For each bin the appropriate 'A' will now be found using the current counts as a seed
# This will be done by using a minimiser to ensure that the value of 'A' found minimises the -LLH
# Find values of A such that llh in each bin is a maximum
for i, val in enumerate(A):
# If the unweighted MC counts in the bin is 0, A = 0
if val == 0:
# Otherwise, find the value of A
arg = (data[i], weights[i], unweighted_mc[i])
# Powell works fast and is fine for our purposes
result = optimize.minimize(fun=llh, x0=val, args=arg, method='Powell')
# Check that the minimisation ran properly
if result.success:
A[i] = result.x
print("Something went wrong...")
print("Minimiser message: ")
return -np.inf
LLH = llh(A, data, weights, unweighted_mc)
return -1*LLH # Return LLH (not negative LLH)