Hypersurface Plotting functions
__all__ = ['plot_bin_fits', 'plot_bin_fits_2d']
__author__ = 'T. Stuttard, A. Trettin'
__license__ = '''Copyright (c) 2014-2017, The IceCube Collaboration
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.'''
import numpy as np
def plot_bin_fits(ax, hypersurface, bin_idx, param_name, color=None, label=None, hs_label=None, show_nominal=False, show_offaxis=True, show_onaxis=True, show_zero=False, show_uncertainty=True, xlim=None):
Plot the hypersurface for a given bin, in 1D w.r.t. to a single specified parameter.
Plots the following:
- on-axis data points used in the fit
- hypersurface w.r.t to the specified parameter (1D)
- nominal value of the specified parameter
ax : matplotlib.Axes
matplotlib ax to draw the plot on
hypersurface : Hypersurface
Hypersurface to make the plots from
bin_idx : tuple
Index (numpy array indexing format) of the bin to plot
param_name : str
Name of the parameter of interest
color : str
color to use for hypersurface curve
label : str
label to use for hypersurface curve
show_nominal : bool
Indicate the nominal value of the param on the plot
show_uncertainty : bool
Indicate the hypersurface uncertainty on the plot
show_onaxis : bool
Plot the "on-axis" input datasets (meaning those whose only
off-nominal parameter is the one being plotter).
show_offaxis : bool
Plot the "off-axis" input datasets (meaning those with multiple
off-nominal parameter values).
xlim : tuple or None
Optionally, specify the xlim to span when plotting the hypersurface
If not specified, will span all input datasets
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Get the param
param = hypersurface.params[param_name]
# Check bin index
assert len(bin_idx) == len(hypersurface.binning.shape)
# Get bin values for this bin only
chosen_bin_values = np.squeeze(
[m.nominal_values[bin_idx] for m in hypersurface.fit_maps])
chosen_bin_sigma = np.squeeze([m.std_devs[bin_idx]
for m in hypersurface.fit_maps])
# sometimes maps aren't stored, like when we are recovering interpolated
# hypersurfaces
chosen_bin_values = np.full(hypersurface.num_fit_sets, np.nan)
chosen_bin_sigma = np.full(hypersurface.num_fit_sets, np.nan)
# Define a mask for selecting on-axis points only
on_axis_mask = hypersurface.get_on_axis_mask(param.name)
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # empty bins are a regular occurrence
include_mask = np.ones_like(on_axis_mask) if show_zero else (
np.asarray(chosen_bin_values) > 0.)
# Plot the points from the datasets used for fitting
x = np.asarray(param.fit_param_values)[on_axis_mask & include_mask]
y = np.asarray(chosen_bin_values)[on_axis_mask & include_mask]
yerr = np.asarray(chosen_bin_sigma)[on_axis_mask & include_mask]
if show_onaxis :
ax.errorbar(x=x, y=y, yerr=yerr, marker="o", color=(
"black" if color is None else color), linestyle="None", label=label)
# Plot off-axis points by projecting them along the fitted surface on the axis.
if show_offaxis:
x = np.asarray(param.fit_param_values)
y = np.asarray(chosen_bin_values)
yerr = np.asarray(chosen_bin_sigma)
prediction = hypersurface.evaluate(
hypersurface.fit_param_values, bin_idx=bin_idx)
params_for_projection = {param.name: x}
for p in list(hypersurface.params.values()):
if p.name != param.name:
params_for_projection[p.name] = np.full_like(
x, hypersurface.nominal_values[p.name])
prediction_on_axis = hypersurface.evaluate(
params_for_projection, bin_idx=bin_idx)
y_projected = y - prediction + prediction_on_axis
ax.errorbar(x=x[~on_axis_mask & include_mask],
y=y_projected[~on_axis_mask & include_mask],
yerr=yerr[~on_axis_mask & include_mask],
marker="o", color=("black" if color is None else color), linestyle="None",
# Plot the hypersurface
# Generate as bunch of values along the sys param axis to make the plot
# Then calculate the hypersurface value at each point, using the nominal values for all other sys params
if xlim is None :
xlim = (np.nanmin(param.fit_param_values), np.nanmax(param.fit_param_values))
x_plot = np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], num=100)
params_for_plot = {param.name: x_plot, }
for p in list(hypersurface.params.values()):
if p.name != param.name:
params_for_plot[p.name] = np.full_like(
x_plot, hypersurface.nominal_values[p.name])
y_plot, y_sigma = hypersurface.evaluate(
params_for_plot, bin_idx=bin_idx, return_uncertainty=True)
ax.plot(x_plot, y_plot, color=("red" if color is None else color), label=hs_label)
if show_uncertainty:
ax.fill_between(x_plot, y_plot - y_sigma, y_plot + y_sigma,
color=("red" if color is None else color), alpha=0.2)
# Show the nominal value
if show_nominal:
ax.axvline(x=param.nominal_value, color="blue",
alpha=0.7, linestyle="-", zorder=-1)
# Format ax
# ax.set_ylim((-0.1, 4))
# Return the hypersurface
return_values = [x_plot, y_plot]
if show_uncertainty :
return tuple(return_values)
def plot_bin_fits_2d(ax, hypersurface, bin_idx, param_names):
Plot the hypersurface for a given bin, in 2D w.r.t. to a pair of params
Plots the following:
- All data points used in the fit
- hypersurface w.r.t to the specified parameters (2D)
- nominal value of the specified parameters
ax : matplotlib.Axes
matplotlib ax to draw the plot on
hypersurface : Hypersurface
Hypersurface to make the plots from
bin_idx : tuple
Index (numpy array indexing format) of the bin to plot
param_names : list of str
List containing the names of the two parameters of interest
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
assert len(param_names) == 2
assert len(bin_idx) == len(hypersurface.binning.shape)
# Get bin values for this bin only
chosen_bin_values = [m.nominal_values[bin_idx]
for m in hypersurface.fit_maps]
chosen_bin_sigma = [m.std_devs[bin_idx] for m in hypersurface.fit_maps]
# Shortcuts to the param values and bin values
p0 = hypersurface.params[param_names[0]]
p1 = hypersurface.params[param_names[1]]
z = np.asarray(chosen_bin_values)
# zerr = #TODO error bars
# Choose categories of points to plot
nominal_mask = hypersurface.get_nominal_mask()
p0_on_axis_mask = hypersurface.get_on_axis_mask(p0.name) & (~nominal_mask)
p1_on_axis_mask = hypersurface.get_on_axis_mask(p1.name) & (~nominal_mask)
off_axis_mask = np.ones_like(p1_on_axis_mask, dtype=bool)
# Ignore points that are off-axis for other params
for p in list(hypersurface.params.values()):
if p.name not in param_names:
off_axis_mask = off_axis_mask & (
p.fit_param_values == p.nominal_value)
off_axis_mask = off_axis_mask & ~(
p0_on_axis_mask | p1_on_axis_mask | nominal_mask)
# Plot data points
ax.scatter(p0.fit_param_values[p0_on_axis_mask], p1.fit_param_values[p0_on_axis_mask],
z[p0_on_axis_mask], marker="o", color="blue", label="%s on-axis" % p0.name)
ax.scatter(p0.fit_param_values[p1_on_axis_mask], p1.fit_param_values[p1_on_axis_mask],
z[p1_on_axis_mask], marker="^", color="red", label="%s on-axis" % p1.name)
ax.scatter(p0.fit_param_values[off_axis_mask], p1.fit_param_values[off_axis_mask],
z[off_axis_mask], marker="s", color="black", label="Off-axis")
ax.scatter(p0.fit_param_values[nominal_mask], p1.fit_param_values[nominal_mask],
z[nominal_mask], marker="*", color="magenta", label="Nominal")
# Plot hypersurface (as a 2D surface)
x_plot = np.linspace(p0.fit_param_values.min(),
p0.fit_param_values.max(), num=100)
y_plot = np.linspace(p1.fit_param_values.min(),
p1.fit_param_values.max(), num=100)
x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(x_plot, y_plot)
x_grid_flat = x_grid.flatten()
y_grid_flat = y_grid.flatten()
params_for_plot = {p0.name: x_grid_flat, p1.name: y_grid_flat, }
for p in list(hypersurface.params.values()):
if p.name not in list(params_for_plot.keys()):
params_for_plot[p.name] = np.full_like(
x_grid_flat, hypersurface.nominal_values[p.name])
z_grid_flat = hypersurface.evaluate(params_for_plot, bin_idx=bin_idx)
z_grid = z_grid_flat.reshape(x_grid.shape)
surf = ax.plot_surface(x_grid, y_grid, z_grid, cmap="viridis", linewidth=0,
antialiased=False, alpha=0.2) # , label="Hypersurface" )
# Format